
1) Use of any information on this site is purely at your own risk. Information on this site is for education, supplemental to examination by and advice of professionals.

2) The information on this site is designed to support education, but never replace actual education/training.

3) Tim Stevenson disclaims any warranty that information provided on this site is fully accurate or complete. In addition, Tim Stevenson disclaims liability for losses you suffer or incur as a result of inaccuracy or lack of completeness of the information found on this website.

4) All third party material on this website, including advertising and linked material is all the property of third parties.

5) All advice and information (found on this site, in third party material and anywhere else) must be considered incomplete without a exam by a licensed professional.

6) The "user" agrees to notify Tim Stevenson the webmaster of this website if their are any inaccuracies; allowing the webmaster to correct.

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