Sean Connery - General Knowledge - Study Quiz #1

Q1) Sean Connery birth name is __?__.

Q2) Name the city and country where Sean Connery was born?

Q3) Sean Connery's date of birth is?

Q4) What is Sean Connery's height?

Q5) His father was a coalminer, and his mother died after the last birth, before he was two years old; thenceforth a sister in Port Talbot took him into her family where he was raised a __?__.

Q6) Sean Connery served in the RAF (1944-1947) as a navigator. True or False?

Q7) Name Sean Connery's wives?

Q8) Sean Connery debuted in what film?

Q9) How many films has Sean Connery starred in ?

Q10) Sean Connery loved to perform before an audience in stage productions. Name how many he performed in over his acting career?