Omar Sharif - General Knowledge - Study Quiz #1

Q1) Omar Sharif birth name is __?__.

Q2) Name the city and country where Omar Sharif was born?

Q3) Omar Sharif's date of birth is?

Q4) What is Omar Sharif's height?

Q5) Omar Sharif is married to __?__.

Q6) Omar Sharif graduated is a world-class Bridge player. True or False?

Q7) Omar Sharif is fluent in English, Arabic, Greek and __?__.

Q8) Name the film Omar Sharif debuted in?

Q9) As of 2009, Omar Sharif has starred in __?__ film productions.

Q10) Omar Sharif underwent triple bypass surgery in 1992, and suffered a mild heart attack in 1994. Until his bypass, Sharif smoked 100 cigarettes a day; after the operation he quit easily. True or False?