Gillian Anderson - General Knowledge - Study Quiz #1

Q1) Gillian Anderson birth name is __?__.

Q2) Name the city and country where Gillian Anderson was born?

Q3) Gillian Anderson's date of birth is?

Q4) What is Gillian Anderson's height?

Q5) Gillian Anderson is presently married to __?__.

Q6) Gillian Anderson has two previous marriages, name to who?

Q7) Gillian Anderson has one daughter and one son, name them?

Q8) Gillian Anderson is most famous for what TV series?

Q9) In __?__, Anderson was voted "Sexiest Woman in the World" for FHM's 100 Sexiest Women poll. (For Him Magazine)

Q10) Gillian Anderson has graced __?__ of Playboy's covers--more than anyone else.