
Hard Core Personality/Psychology Test #2

Be open and honest with yourself as you answer the following questions.

1. Do you tell the truth and consider yourself a truthful person?
yes no

2. Do you smoke or drink alcohol on a weekly basis?
yes no

3. Do you smoke marijuana or take barbiturates on a weekly basis?
yes no

4. In the last five years, have you taken recreational drugs; marijuana, cocaine, escatsy, herion, crystal myth, etc.?
yes no

5. A person has the right to self-medicate using street drugs?
yes no

6. Do you like to party. Would you consider yourself a party person and like to get high or buzzed when your in party mode?
yes no

7. Would you date a person with a drinking or drug problem.
yes no

8. Do you have problems holding down a steady job?
yes no

9. When you do work, do you miss work and often phone in sick?
yes no

10. Did the company you last work for terminate your employment for you being constantly late or for missing work days?
yes no

11. Work - do you currently work under the table?
yes no

12. Have you ever had family members and friends disassociate from you. Have they asked you not come around them? Do people avoid you, direct or indirectly?
yes no

13. In the past five years have you stolen something or shoplifted?
yes no

14. Are you a convicted felon? Do you have a police record?
yes no

15. Are you a gang member or associate with people deemed to be. Eg. Bikers, skin-heads, supremicists, etc.
yes no

16. Do you hold police in low esteem?
yes no

17. Do you say things that shock other people and they have told you so. Do you rant... and people ask you to stop. Do people you know tell you to shut-up?
yes no

18. Do you often get angry. Do you passionately debate or justably argue.
yes no

19. Have you ever been approached by staff and asked to leave a premise?
yes no

20. As a renter have you ever been evicted?
yes no

21. Do you receive phone-calls from collection agencies. Do you owe money to government revenue agencies?
yes no

22. If someone harms you, you do what it takes to get even.
yes no

Your score:

17 to 22: Congratulations - you are meaningful relationship "material." Take comfort in knowing that there are other like-minded people out there seeking and wanting to develop a relationship with you.

10 to 17 : indicates you that you have flaws in your character that need your attention. Chances are you are in and out of relationships. Most likely, you can attract an individual but fail at bonding and developing a long-term relationship with them. Codependent and enabler tendencies. Eg. Honey, I don't have a problem with you being over-weight, there's just more of you to love. Just keep bringing home that pay-cheque.

10 or fewer: This is your wake-up call, you are suffering from a personality disorder. If this concerns you - seek professional help.



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