
Hard Core Personality/Psychology Test #1

Be open and honest with yourself as you answer the following questions.

1. Would you agree with this statement - there are toxic minded people living in our society that live toxic and dysfunctional lives?
yes no

2. Psychologists claim that given the health warnings involved with smoking that if a person in today's society is still a smoker, there is a good probability this person is suffering from a personality disorder. Nicotine is a poison and each time a person puffs on a cigarette the nicotine goes straight to their brain - poisoning it. In time, altering the chemicals in their brain and doing irreversible brain damage, alternating their personality for the worse. Do you agree with this statement?
yes no

3. A man is married to a woman, his wife's teeth begin to rot and she begins to have bad breath. One night while in bed the husband gets a whiff of her bad breath and pukes. He requests that she see a dentist and get her teeth cleaned. She refuses too, (or procrastinates) in making an appointment. After a period of time and making numerous requests by the husband she still refuses to go. The husband asks his wife to see her doctor with him - she refuses. Would you agree that the woman has a personality disorder and is in need of professional help.
yes no

4. When going to a bar or pub, can you keep your limit to three alcoholic drinks.
yes hell no!

5. Can you, agree to disagree on certain issues with your life-mate. Eg. You vote for a Conservative political party and your life-mate vote's for another. Can you respect the other's differing political views.
yes no

6. Are you willing to support and encourage your life-mate, emotionally and financially, in pursuing her or his career goals or aspirations.
yes no

7. You are in a relationship - are you willing to work with your life-partner on any "flaws" which you may have which irritate or upset your partner? Eg. Belching, farting, spitting, uncleanliness, cursing, picking or biting of finger nails, throwing dirty clothes on the floor and not into a basket, etc.
yes no

8. Would you agree that touching, hugging, and shows of affection with your life-partner are indications of a healthy relationship. And that someone that cannot is in all-likely hood suffering from a personality disorder.
yes no

9. Do you believe sarcasm or sarcasm guised as humour is a subtle form of psychological abuse?
yes no

10. When in a relationship and person is going to be late, should the the late person phone their life-mate, and let them know. A person who does not, and continuously does this, indicates that they may have a personality disorder. Agree?
yes no

11. Would you allow and support your life-partner in seeing their close friends (male or female) at least once a week? Is your life-mate seeing a friend now?
yes no

12. Do you maintain eye contact when speaking with your partner about important relationship issues?
yes no

13. Do you believe that a person over the age of twenty-one using profanity in their every-day speech suffers from a personality disorder.
yes no

14. If a person truly loves you and cares for you, they would intervene, if you were doing something that was harming yourself or the relationship. Intervention is required to maintain a healthy relationship. Agree?
yes no

15. Would you leave a relationship if your partner's mental health began to deteriate and you were being subjected to physical and mental abuse? (self-preservation)
yes no

16. Can you list on a piece of paper five of the most common types of psychological abuse?
yes no

17. If your life-partner began to psychologically abuse you, and you asked them to stop - and they refused too, would you go seek outside professional help for advice? Eg. Your doctor.
yes no

18. Do you look forward to, and enjoy being in the company of your life-partner.
yes - always no - sometimes

19. It is healthy to discuss and debate with your life-partner. But continuous heated-arguing over the same issues indicates something is wrong with the relationship. A person with a personality disorder will view the arguing as a normality. Agree?
yes no

20. When living with your life-mate: upon using the washroom (toilet) do you turn the bathroom fan on?
yes no

21. At home, do you clean up after yourself? Is your home clean and organized? Do you feel comfortable bringing someone over to your residence? Do you wash the tub or sink after using them? Do you wash your dishes after using them?
yes no

22. Would you consider yourself a person of high values and morals, one that is aspiring to achieve and learn, to be self-reliant, and have short and long-term goals in your life. and that people should not be mistreated, exploited, or harmed.
yes no

Your score:

18 or greater: Congratulations - you are meaningful relationship "material." Take comfort in knowing that there are other like-minded people out there seeking and wanting to develop a relationship with you.

10 to 18: This score also indicates that you have flaws in your character that need your attention. It also indicates that you may be suffering from a personality disorder. Chances are you are in and out of relationships; and if you are, your co dependent and an enabler - Codependent and enabler tendencies. Most likely, you can attract an individual but fail at bonding and developing a "meaningful" long-term relationship with that person.

10 or fewer: This is your wake-up call, you are suffering from a personality disorder. You are an abuser and user. Most likely you have criminal tendencies and have been in trouble with the law. If this concerns you - seek professional help. Know that people can change for the better - it requires obtaining the necessary knowledge, the hard work of applying this knowledge, commitment and a shift in heart. You may want to consider making a commitment to personal growth, start doing the necessary work by reading personal growth and relationship books (acquiring the knowledge). You may want to start attending relationship "work-shops."

By not, any relationship you enter will in time - crash and burn. Know too, because of your toxic mind-set, mentally healthy people will avoid you. People raised by healthy parents teach their children about right association and the pitfalls of wrong association. Please do not have children - for they will suffer tremendously under your guardianship and by the life-style choices you make.

Chances are you are messed up in the head - and many of a good people have informed you of this. Because of this your probably a loner and associate with other social misfits. Because of the garbage-talk that comes out of your mouth - know that educated people upon listening to you, people of high moral character, the educated and the intellect will see right through you. Words are thoughts... and by the thoughts we choose to manifest and act on, determine who we are as a person and who we become. A healthy person polices their thoughts and can hear the sound of their own voice - take the necessary action when "dark" thoughts emerges from their subconscious. (Id). A dysfunctional thinking person or a person with a personality disorder cannot. A person with a personality disorder... believes what their saying is true. President Richard Nixon famous words... before he was impeached for the Watergate fiasco, "I am not a crook, I'm not a criminal!" A person with a personality disorder is in "denial" that they have one. Scott Peterson after murdering his pregnant wife and dumping her body into the ocean, "Your honour, I'm innocent of all charges against me!" This personality trait did not manifest over-night, it was already there long before he acted on his murderous thoughts. Those that are educated - know this. It is unfortunate that Scott Peterson's friends, brothers or sisters did not see his toxic mind-set, and got Scott the professional help he needed. It is important that as parents and as a society we teach our children to recognize dysfunctional (toxic-minded) people - and the pitfalls of associating with them. It is also, important that as a society we teach our children the importance of relationship intervention. Whether it be with a family member, a friend, or to someone we just met. For example:

Early one morning I'm sitting in my local coffee shop. A single mother I know that lives in our community comes in and says, "Good morning Tim!" "Good morning," I reply. I ask where her baby is, for normally I see her with a child in stroller. She replies, "With the baby-sitter I'm off to work." Then she said, "I was thinking of throwing her into a dumpster...." stopping realizing what she was saying to me. This woman is a chain-smoker and has rotting teeth, and has lost weight (looking gaunt) since I last time I saw her. "I look at her and say... don't even think those thoughts!" She say's, "Well I have to go - get to work!" and immediately leaves. In that short 3 minute exchange I learned a lot about her. There is no way I'd get involved with her... or want any of my friends to. What is tragic the baby. A baby in the care of a toxic-minded single mother that deeps down does not want her child and was contemplating killing it. This mother smoked all though her pregnancy, the nicotine doing irreversible brain damage to her baby. That baby when it becomes a child and adult will struggle throughout its life... going throughout life with a diminished brain. Are you this child - a person today suffering from your parents substance abuse addictions. Have you struggled all your life, school, family, with friends, with the law, as far back as you can remember? Are you a loner and feel like you don't fit in... Click here to get the help you need!

In short, upon entering the dating scene please... do not get involved with a person with a personality disorder. Life is short and you don't need the grief, heart-ache and the pursuing unhappiness that comes with it if you do. Also know that when you do - you are putting your life at risk. Learn the warning signs and the symptoms of personality disorder types. Most relationships that end in tragedy you'll find that many will say, "If I knew what I know now I would not have gotten involved with that person." It is not a sin to be ignorant, but it is to stay one. Encourage those that have a personality disorder to seek professional help.

Want to try another quiz?
Yes. These quizzes attempt to help you understand the strength and weak spots in your personality and your ability to connect/relate/bond with others or a loved one.



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