Global Warming - Study #3

Q1) What is the individual's name that produced the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" exposing to the world the damage being done by pollution to our planet.

Q2) Scientist predict that the north Artic ice-field will melt by the year _____ allowing commercial ships to pass through the now frozen Northwest Passage.

Q3) The United States (President Bush) is now laying claim to (and wants to control) the Northwest Passage sea corridor. True or False?

Q4) Because of the melting of the ice fields/bergs due to the greenhouse warming, polar bears while in their search for food are drowning in their attempt to swim from one flow to another. True or False?

Q5) The Artic is located in the ___?___hemisphere and the Antartica is located in the _?____ hemisphere.

Q6) Antarctica is a continent. True or False?

Q7) The Antartica contains __?__ percent of the earth's ice.

Q8) There are many massive fresh water lakes and streams located under (and in) the Antartica ice. True or False?

Q9) Due to the depleting ___?____ in the Antartica region, harsh wind activity is increasing more.

Q10) If the total amount of ice in the Antartica were to melt the planet's sea level would rise __?____ feet/meters.

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