Global Warming - Study #1

Q1) The dumping of carbon dioxide emissions (acid rain) into the world's ocean will create a catastrophe more disaturous than the asteroid slammed into the earth 65 million years ago and destroyed 80% of the existing life then. True or False?

Q2) Marine dead zones: define?

Q3) Ocean acidification: define?

Q4) Ocean acidification is expected to kill off Austrilia's Great Reef in ______ years?

Q5) The formula CO2 means?

Q6) Biodirversity: define?

Q7) The acronym IPCC in global warming terms stands for _________?

Q8) IPPC claims that the climate will warm by __?__ degrees by the year 2100.

Q9) IPPC claims that the global average sea level will rise__?__ inches by the year 2100.

Q10) IPPC claims that if we are to stabilize our climate or if we are to prevent the pending climate catastrophe, we need to reduce our emmissions from today's level to ________?

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