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Sea of Japan - Study #1

Q1) The Sea of Japan is a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean, bordered by Japan, Korea and __?__ .

Q2) Like the Mediterranean Sea, it has almost no tides due to its nearly complete __?__.

Q3) Name the three Japanese Islands located east of the Japan Sea.

Q4) The Japan Sea is connected to other seas by __?__ shallow straits.

Q5) The Japan Sea has a maximum depth of __?__.

Q6) The Japan Sea's surface area is __?__.

Q7) The Japan Sea's average (mean) depth is __?__.

Q8) The sea has three major basins: the Yamato Basin in the southeast; the Japan Basin in the north; and the __?__ in the southwest.

Q9) Two hundred meters below the surface of the Black Sea is a layer of __?__ sulfide that ends all life from that point downward.

Q10) The Japan Sea has more than __?__ islands.