Geography Glossary E8


1. Disappearance of a species from all or part of their geographic range?

2. ___?___:refers to the spinning of the Earth on its polar axis.

3. First measurement of a grid reference used to specific the location of a point on a rectangular coordinate system?

4. The variety of unique biological communities found on the Earth?

5. Change in the shape of a material as the result of the force of compression or expansion?

6. A species found in nature that has so few surviving individuals that the it could soon become extinct in all or most of its natural range?

7. The rate of energy flow from, into, or through a substance?

8. A system where life interacts with the various abiotic components found in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere?

9. Geologic time unit that is shorter than a period?

10. Variations in sea-level that are related to changes in the volume of seawater in the oceans?