Geography Glossary E2


1. One of four traditions of geography, identified with physical geography in general?

2. The permantly inhabited areas of the earth?

3. The theory that the physical environment, particularly climate, molds human behavior?

4. Movement of humus, chemical substances, and mineral particles from the upper layers of a soil to lower layers by the downward movement of water through the soil profile?

5. ___?___ is the measure of the disorder or randomness of energy and matter in a system?

6. Are types of proteins that are used to facilitate and regulate chemical reactions within cells?

7. Longest geologic time unit?

8. Long twisting ridges of sand and gravel found on the Earth's surface?

9. All the organisms with a eukaryote cell type. This group includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists?

10. Refers to a system that is external to the Earth?(foreign planet)