Geography Glossary D2


1. DLT?

2. Cell that contains two sets of chromosomes?

3. Large deposit of alluvial sediment located at the mouth of a stream where it enters a body of standing water?

4. The scientific study of population, with particur emphasis upon quantitative aspects?

5. The successful transformation of plant or animal species from a wild state to a condition of dependency upon human management?

6. Process where wind erosion creates blowout depressions or deflation hollows by removing and transporting sediment and soil?

7. Population momentum?

8. A mathmatical expression that summarizes the contribution of different demographic processes to the population change of a given area during a specified time period?

9. The change in state of matter from gas to solid that occurs with cooling/Laying down of sediment transported by wind, water, or ice?

10. Name the point which normally occurs when a mass of air has a relative humidity of 100%?