First Aid - Glossary - Study I1      Online Dictionary!

Q1) An object which remains embedded in a wound?

Q2) Placing some type of restraint along a body part to prevent movement?

Q3) Loss of bladder and bowel control?

Q4) An area of tissue death to lack of blood flow?

Q5) Inflamation due to microbes?

Q6) A tissue reaction to irratation, illness or injury; shows as redness, heat, swellig, and pain?

Q7) Breathing in; inspiration?

Q8) Hormone produced by the pancreas; important in the regulation of blood suger levels?

Q9) Hypoglycemia (too low blood sugar levels) due to excessive insulin?

Q10) A tiny space containing a negative pressure (vacuum) between two plural layers?

Q11) Muscles not under conscious control; heart, intestines etc.?

Q12) Coloured part of the eye; made of muscles which control light entering the eye?

Q13) Lacking sufficient oxygen; as in ischemic heart disease?

Q14) Turn inward?