First Aid - Ruptured Spleen - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) Your spleen is an organ above your stomach and under your ribs on your right side. True or False?.

Q2) Name the signs and symptoms which indicate a ruptred spleen?

Q3) What is the cause of a rupture spleen?

Q4) Surgery under general anesthesia is required to remove the ruptured spleen. True or False?

Q5) Expect complete healing if no complications occur. Allow about __?__ weeks for recovery from surgery.

Q6) First aid treatment for a ruptured splee is?

Q7) What function does the spleen perform?

Q8) The name given to a rupture spleen opration is __?__.

Q9) You can live without a spleen, but your resistance to infection will be lowered. True or False?

Q10) About _?_% of the population is spleenless.