First Aid - Pressure/Bed Sore - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) Define what a pressure sore is?

Q2) The constant pressure against the skin reduces the blood supply to that area, and the affected tissue __?__.

Q3) A pressure ulcer starts as reddened skin but gets progressively worse, forming a blister, then an open sore, and finally a __?__.

Q4) Once a pressure ulcer is identified, name the steps that must be taken immediately?

Q5) Do NOT massage the area of the ulcer. True or False?

Q6) Keep skin clean and dry. Persons with incontinence need to take extra steps to limit moisture. Incontinence means?

Q7) Take immediate action, upon the first sign of a skin break-down. (redness of skin) True or False?

Q8) A pressure sore can be fatal. True or False?

Q9) An unconcious or immobilized first aid casuality is at risk of obtaining a pressure sore. True or False.

Q10) Minor pressure sores will heal within 30 to 60 days, more severe may take ___?__.