First Aid - Infections - Study #1        Online Dictionary

Q1) An infection can develop when a wound is contaminated with dirt and __?__

Q2) The longer a wound remains contaminated, the more likely it is that infection will develop. True or False?

Q3) Pain that worsens a day or more after the injury is often the first sign of infection. True or False?

Q4) Later, an infected wound becomes red and swollen and may ooze pus. And a __?__ may develop.

Q5) To prevent infection, dirt and particles are removed and the wound is __?__.

Q6) After cleaning and, if necessary, closing the wound, antibiotic ointment and a bandage are applied. True or False.

Q7) A person bitten by an insect can get an infection. True or False?

Q8) If any symptoms of infection develop, medical assistance should be sought within several hours. True or False?

Q9) Name the ways that a first aider can prevent cross infection?

Q10) If germs enter the bloodstream, they will be attacked by cells called macrophages, also known as __?__.