First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #4        Online Dictionary

Q1) The bones of the skeleton allow for the body movement by serving as rigid levers for __?__ and __?__.

Q2) the skeleton forms the supporting bony framework of the human body, giving the body its __?__ and ___?___.

Q3) The vertebrae are connected to each other by __?__.

Q4) Name the three major bones of the shoulder?

Q5) The bone of the upper jaw is called the __?__ and is not movable.

Q6) The bone of the lower jaw is called the __?__ and is movable/hinged.

Q7) The clavicale is a narrow, slightly curved bone between the upper end of the __?__ and the __?__ joint.

Q8) The digestive and the urinary systems convert food and drink into ___?__ and collect and dispose of the solid and fluid ___?___.

Q9) The five principle organs of digestion are?

Q10) The ureters are: two tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the __?__.