First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #36        Online Dictionary

Q1) Spinal column: the thoracic consist of ___?__ vertebrae.

Q2) The lumbar region consists of __ vertebre.

Q3) The sacral spine region consist of __?__ vertebrae.

Q4) the tailbone or the coccygeal spine consists of __?__ vertebrae.

Q5) The skull consists of two groups of bones, name them?

Q6) The ribcage (thorax) is made up of __?__ pairs of bones (ribs).

Q7) The medical name for the breastbone is?

Q8) The __?__ is the small prominent tip at the lower end of the sternum. It is an important landmark in certain first aid procedures.

Q9) The thorax encloses and protects the ___?__.

Q10) The two bones of the forearm are the __?__ and on the thumb side and the __?__ on the finger side.