First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #31        Online Dictionary

Q1) First aid for all heart problems is aimed at __?__.

Q2) __?__ is a condition in which a part of the brain ceases to function because of a shortage of __?___ blood.

Q3) A stroke may be caused by ___?__.

Q4) A severe stroke may cause death: a less severe stroke may cause ___?__.

Q5) A stroke may occur at any age. True or False?

Q6) First aid for stroke is limited to ___?___ and ___?___ measures until medical aid arrives.

Q7) __?__ is a condition in which body process fail to maintain a proper balance of __?__.

Q8) A diabetic emergency can either be ___?___ resulting from too much insulin or __?___ resulting from to little insulin.

Q9) What medicine is prescribed for diabetics to maintain normal blood sugar levels?

Q10) A diabetic should advise felleo works, friends, and family of their condition and what to do so that they will be prepared to help in an emergency. True or False?