First Aid - General Knowledge - Study #22        Online Dictionary

Q1) A severe injury may thrust the eyeball out of the socket. Do not replace the eye back into the socket. True or False?

Q2) An eye injury caused by a chemical should be ___?__ .

Q3) Burned eyelids require special care, what should the first aider do __?__.

Q4) Permanent damage to vision can result from __?__, the injury may not be evident at fiest, but may become very painful 3 to 5 hours after exposure.

Q5) First aid of burning sensation in the eyes?

Q6) Hypothermia (cold) can be fatal. True or False?

Q7) When the body is exposed to low tempertatures (cold) what two cold injuries can occur?

Q8) Do not apply direct heat to a cold injury. True or False?

Q9) You can apply snow or cold water to a frozen area. True or False?

Q10) Why should the first aider not rub a frozen area.