First Aid - Cardiac Arrest - Study #2        Online Dictionary

Q1) CPR combines rescue breathing and chest compressions. True or False?

Q2) A good diet, exercise, and not smoking help prevent cardiovascular disease. True or False?

Q3) Eight of every 10 cardiac arrests take place at home and not in a hospital setting. True or False?

Q4) A human heart ceases within zero to ten minutes after breathing stops. True or False?

Q5) If a bystander performs CPR while awaiting the arrival of emergency medical services, the victim's chance of survival increases four times. True or False?

Q6) The leading cause of death in Canada is coronary disease. True or False?

Q7) In most Canadian cities, the average ambulance response time is eight to __?__ minutes? (except Ontario, 13 to 20 minutes)

Q8) Defibrillation within five minutes of suffering cardiac arrest will minimize the potential of brain damage, and ensure the best chance of survival. True or False?

Q9) The victim suddenly collapses, loses consciousness and may be having a __?__.

Q10) If casuality is sitting and has a cardiac arrest, the first aider should __?__.