Famous Quotes - Study Quiz #19

Q1) Appear where they cannot go, head for where they expect you least.

Q2) But those wars also are just, without doubt, which are ordained by God Himself, in Whom is no iniquity, and Who knows everyman's merits.

Q3) Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.

Q4) What has this unfeeling age of ours left untried, what wickedness has it shunned?

Q5) Sweet mother, I cannot ply the loom, vanquished by desire for a youth through the work of soft Aphrodite.

Q6) The hydrogen bomb is history's exclamation point.

Q7) We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop which makes it run over. So in a series of kindnesses there is, at last, one which makes the heart run over.

Q8) True eloquence makes light of eloquence, true morality makes light of morality.

Q9) Conceit is the finest armour a man can wear.

Q10) Teach your child to hold his tongue, He'll learn fast enough to speak.