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   Rote Learning: Study Work Sheets! The seven noun types defined:

1. The common, also known as the general, definition of a noun is: a word used to name or identify a person,
    place, thing, creature, or quality. The seven noun types are: common, concrete, collective, compound, proper,
     abstract, and verbal.   Eg: man, restaurant, hammer, etc.

2. Concrete nouns are used to name objects and substances that exist physically, including people and animals.
     Eg. house, car, earth, elephant, goat, etc.
3. Abstract nouns, unlike concrete nouns, have no physical existance. They are words used to name states,
    events, concepts, ideas, feelings, and qualities. Eg. freedom, happiness, science, history, etc.
4. Proper nouns are the names of individual people, places, titles, and calendar times. And the word always
    begins with a capital letter. Eg. Janet, Simon, London, The President, and Tuesday.
5. Verbal nouns, also known as gerunds, are formed by using verbs.
     Eg. swimming, thinking, etc.
6. Compound nouns are made up of two or more words. Eg. houseboat, newspaper, bedrock, etc.
    Some compound nouns are hyphenated.   Eg. paper-clip, mother-in-law, etc.
7. Collective nouns are words used to describe a group of people or objects. Eg. choir, class, jury, regiment, etc.