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Glossary Definition Recognition - Study Quiz #7      Online Dictionary!   Name: ______________________________________

1. An Adjective can sometimes function as a __?__. If an adjective is proceeded by an article, (a, an, the) then it is being used
    as a __?__.
2. A __?__ is the part of a Sentence that comes after the Verb and is needed to make the sentence complete.
3. Apodosis is a term for the main clause in a __?__ sentence.
4. When the speaker or writer says one thing but wants you to understand something different, they are being __?__.
5. __?__ in English is when the noun being refered to is male, female, or neuter form.
6. The __?__ is the form of a verb, pronoun, noun, etc., used when talking or writing about something of which there as more than one.
7. B;C;D;F;G;H;J;K;L;M;N;P;Q;R;S;T;V;W;X;Z are the English __?__.
8. A __?__ is a word that substitutes a noun or noun phrase.
9. A Gerund is a verb when it acts as a noun; gerunds can act as the subject or __?__ of a main verb.
10.Direct speech is used to give the __?__ words used by another speaker.
11. A __?__ is a comparison between two different things, designed to create an unusual, interesting, emotional or other effect.
12. A clause can either be ___?__ or independent.
13. By sounding out a word we can divide the word into __?__.
14. __?__ speech or __?__ communication consists of words or phrases that have a social function and are not meant literally.
     Eg. Out of politeness after being thanked, we say, "Your welcome."
15. A determiner is used with a noun and restricts the meaning by limiting the reference of the __?__ .

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