
Sentences - Quiz #14      Online Dictionary!

1. Name three main categories of verbs?

2. Name the most frequently used verb in English language?

3. Verb tenses are inflectional forms of verbs or verb phrases that are used to express __?__ distinctions.

4. Adverbial particles are __?__ that are considered part of the verb. ?

5. A verb that requires no complements is called __?__.

6. Conditional sentences consist of an independent clause and a __?__ clause.

7. Action verbs specify the action performed by the __?__.

8. Adjectives modify nouns and have three forms or degrees. Name them?

9. Adverbial particles are __?__ that are considered part of the verb because they change the meaning of the verb.

10. Adverbs modify verbs, __?__, or other adverbs.

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