Dinosaurs - General Knowledge Quiz #2

Q1) The word dinosaurs is made up of two gree k words; deinos meaning terrible and saura meaning __?__.

Q2) In evolutionary biology, a __?__ is a derived character state shared by two or more terminal groups and inherited from their most recent common ancestor.

Q3) What is the name given to the that occurred 250 million which wiped out 95% of all life on Earth?

Q4) What is radiometric dating?

Q5) What is the name given to a person that studies long-past animal life.

Q6) The first dinosaurs were small, bipedal predators. True or False?

Q7) Triassic-Jurassic extinction event occurred about __?__ million years ago.

Q8) Dinosaur legs extend directly beneath the body, whereas the legs of lizards and crocodylians sprawl out to either side. True or False?

Q9) Many types of reptiles lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. Some of these are commonly, but incorrectly, thought of as dinosaurs. True or False?

Q10) Over 250 million years ago the five continents as we know today were connected as a single landmass. Name this landmass or one continent?