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Alligators - Study #1

Q1) Taxonomy; Alligators and caimans are reptiles, small species of crocodiles and forming the family ___________ ?

Q2) Alligators differ from crocodiles principally in having wider and shorter heads, with more obtuse snouts; in having the fourth, enlarged tooth of the under jaw. True or False?

Q3) Alligators strongly prefer being in salt water over fresh water. True or False?

Q4) The Chinese alligator is a larger species than the American Alligator. True or False??

Q5) The American alligator can weigh as much as ___?____ and grow up 14 feet (4.2 m) long.

Q6) Alligators are carnivorous and eat almost anything, but primarily consume fish, birds, ___________?

Q7) The American Alligator has been known to kill and eat ______?

Q8) As predators at the top of the food chain, alligator help control the population of rodents and other animals that might overtax their habitat. True or False?

Q9) Alligators create gator holes. During the dry season, and particularly during extended droughts, gator holes provide vital water for fish, insects, crustaceans, snakes, turtles, birds, and other animals in addition to the alligator itself. True or False?

Q10) During the breedin season the female alligator builds a nest of vegetation. She lays up to ___?____ goose sized eggs and covers them with vegetation and sand to keep warm.


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