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Water Buffalo - Study #1

Q1) The dictionary definition for a water buffalo is _________?

Q2) Asia is the native home of the water buffalo, with _______ of the world population of water buffalo.

Q3) The Asian water buffalo binomial name is Bubalus bubalis, and the African water buffalo is _________.

Q4) Water buffalo spend much time cooling themselves in water. Why is this?

Q5) The African buffalo was widely distributed in Africa south of the Sahara prior to 1890, but the cattle-virus disease called __________ spread through the herds and nearly exterminated them.

Q6) Water buffalo have the longest gestation period for any of the cowlike mammals. True or False?

Q7) The African buffalo (Cape subspecies) lives in very large herds in the open plains and wooded grasslands of South Africa. True or False?

Q8) The African animal that most preys on water buffalo is ____________?

Q9) Male water buffalo weigh can weigh as much as ____________ ? Females weight about 20% less than males.

Q10) Males have massive crescent-shaped pointed horns about __________ long. Females also have horns.


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