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Zebra - Study #1

Q1) There are ____ species of seals?

Q2) What is the name of a freshwater lake in Russia that has seals?

Q3) The elephant seal can weigh more than _______ pounds?

Q4) The smallest of seals, pinnipeds species, can weigh as little as _________ pounds.

Q5) The main predator of seals is?

Q6) Seals do not have an ear that extends from the skull? True or False?

Q7) Seals propel themselves through the water with their rear flippers. Their front flippers are used for _________?

Q8) Most of the world's populations of seals live close to Antarctica and the Arctic Circle. The Antartic Circle is situated in what hemisphere?

Q9) There are six species of Arctic ice seals: ringed seals, bearded seals, harp seals, hooded seals, spotted seals, and ______________?

Q10) There are 4 species of Antarctic ice seals: crabeater seals, Weddell seals, leopard seals, and _________?


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