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Black-tailed Praire Dog - Study #1

Q1) Since the arrival of European settlers, North America's prairie dog population has plummeted by __?__ percent.

Q2) The Black-tailed praire dog can weigh can weigh up to __?__.

Q3) Black-tailed prairie dogs are diurnal, burrowing animals. True or False?

Q4) White-tailed, Gunnison, and Utah prairie dogs hibernate. Black-tailed prairie dogs do not. True or False?

Q5) The Black-tailed praire dogs range from south-central Canada (thru central United States) to northeastern Mexico. True or False?

Q6) The lifespan of a praire dog can be as high as __?__ years.

Q7) Black-tailed prairie dogs are tough, social animals that live in and around burrows deep within the prairie soil. True or False?

Q8) Black-tailed prairie dogs live in complex communities, called "towns" or "colonies." The typical town covered __?__ acres (404,700 mē) or more.

Q9) Typically within each coterie, one prairie dog acts as the sentinel, standing on the mound and watching for predators. A coterie is?

Q10) Prairie dogs have been exterminated because of the perceived competition with grazing __?__ and bison for grasses.



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