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Black Spider Monkey - Study #1

Q1) The black spider monkey has a black coat, flesh-colored eye rings, __?__ chin whiskers, and a long tail and legs.

Q2) The black spider monkey is found on what continent?

Q3) The black spider monkey habitat is __?__.

Q4) The black spider monkey diet type is __?__.

Q5) Using its long tail as a fifth limb, it is among the most acrobatic and agile monkeys. Spider monkeys are considered to be the most expert climbers of all monkeys. True or False?

Q6) The black spider monkey can weigh as much as __?__.

Q7) Spider monkeys are diurnal and spend the night in carefully selected sleeping trees. True or False?

Q8) Spider monkeys mate year round. A female will give birth to ___ offspring.

Q9) On the rare occasion when the spider monkey sets foot on the ground. True or False?

Q10) The spider monkey lives in loose-knit, nomadic troops of up to 100, which varies in size according to the availability of __?__.



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