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Dwarf Mongoose - Study #1

Q1) The Common Dwarf Mongoose (Helogale parvula) is a small African __?__ belonging to the mongoose family.

Q2) The Dwarf mongoose is the smallest species of mongoose. True or False?

Q3) The soft fur of a Dwarf mongoose is very variable in color, ranging from yellowish red to dark __?__.

Q4) The diet of the Common Dwarf Mongoose consists of insects (mainly termites, grasshoppers and crickets), spiders, scorpions, small lizards, small birds and rodents, supplemented with __?__.

Q5) Only the dominant female is allowed to give birth. After the gestation period of 53 days, __?__ young mongooses are born.

Q6) Dwarf mongoose lives in family groups of two to __?__ animals.

Q7) The dominant female is the leader of the group. True or False?

Q8) A group often lives near a bee or wasp nest, which protects them against predators. True or False?

Q9) Dwarf mongoose live in altitudes ranging from sea level up to __?__ feet/meters.

Q10) There are two species of the Dwarf mongoose: the Helogale parvula and the Helogale __?__.



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