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Mongoose - Study #1

Q1) A mongoose is a member of the family of small cat-like carnivores. Mongooses are widely distributed in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and southern __?__.

Q2) There are more than __?__ species, ranging from one to four feet in length.

Q3) Mongooses are omnivores: mostly feed on insects, crabs, earthworms, lizards, snakes, chickens, and rodents. True or False?

Q4) Mongoons will also eat eggs and __?__.

Q5) The Indian mongoose, are popularly used to fight and kill venomous snakes, even king cobras. True or False?

Q6) Mongooses have long faces and bodies, small rounded ears, short legs and long tapering __?__.

Q7) Mongooses have non-retractile claws that are used primarily for __?__.

Q8) The Liberian mongoose weighs about __?__ pounds. (kg)

Q9) Some species of Mongoose are nocturnal, some are diurnal, and others are active during both day and night. True or False?

Q10) The Mongooses belong to one of four families of terrestrial cat-like mammals descended from the Viverraines, which were civet/genet-like mammals. True or False?



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