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Mole - Study #1

Q1) Moles can be found in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the eastern seaboard of __?__.

Q2) Male Moles are called boars; females are called __?__.

Q3) Moles cannot live more than a few hours without food. True or False?

Q4) Practically blind, it lives underground in circular grass-lined nests, dug usually under banks or among the roots of trees, and excavates extensive tunnels, throwing up the earth at intervals in __?__.

Q5) Some Mole species are aquatic. Name two?

Q6) Moles can exert a lateral digging force equivalent to __?__ times its body weight.

Q7) A 5 ounce mole will consume up to __?__ pounds (kg) of worms and insects per year.

Q8) A Mole can dig a tunnel at a rate of __?__ feet per hour (m/h).

Q9) A mole can speed through existing tunnels at a rate of t__?__ feet per minute. (meters)

Q10) There are __?__ recognized species of moles in North America.



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