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Mink - Study #1

Q1) The Mink is naturally found in North America, northern Europe, and most of __?__ west of Ural Mountains.

Q2) A mink is any of several furry, dark-coloured, semi-aquatic, carnivorous mammals in the same family (taxonomy) as weasils and __?__.

Q3) Mink can live as long as __?__ years in the wild. In captivity, mink can live 10 to 12 years.

Q4) Mother Mink on average give birth of 4 to __?__ kits per litter once a year.

Q5) The European mink is one of the most endangered mammals in the world. True or False?

Q6) European mink are able to hybridize. Hybridize means?

Q7) The name mink may have originated in the __?__ maenk.

Q8) South america now has a wild mink population because of those animals that have escaped from "Mink Farms." True or False?

Q9) There are __?__ recognized species of Mink.

Q10) Average weight for a Mink is one to __?__ pounds (kg), the size of a small housecat, the male being heavier than the female.



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