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Meerkat (Suricate) - Study #1

Q1) The Meerkat or Suricate is a small mammal and a member of the __?__ family.

Q2) The Meerkat inhabits all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Southern __?__.

Q3) A group of meerkats is called a "mob" or "__?__".

Q4) The meerkat is a small diurnal herpestid (mongoose) weighing on average about __?__ pounds (grams).

Q5) Meerkats tail is not bushy like all other mongoose species, but is rather long and thin. True or False?

Q6) Like cats, meerkats have binocular vision, a large peripheral range, depth perception, and eyes on the front of their faces. Binocular vision means?

Q7) Meerkats are primarily insectivores, but also eat lizards, snakes, spiders, plants, eggs and small __?__.

Q8) Meerkats are iteroparous and can reproduce any time of the year but most births occur in the warmer seasons. Iteroparous means?

Q9) The female fights with the male until he submits to her and copulation begins. True or False?

Q10) Usually, the alpha pair reserves the right to mate and normally kills any young in the group not its own, to ensure that its offspring has the best chance of survival. True or False?



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