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Hoary Marmot - Study #1

Q1) The Hoary Marmot (Marmota caligata) is a species of marmot that inhabits the mountains of northwest North __?__.

Q2) The largest populations of the Hoary marmot are found in the state of __?___.

Q3) The Hoary Marmot is the largest North American ground __?__.

Q4) The Hoary Marmot hibernates during the winter months. True or False?

Q5) A female Hoary Marmot will give birth to a litter of two to ___?___ young.

Q6) Males are polygomyes and establish "harems," but may also visit females in other territories. True or False?

Q7) Predators include golden eagles; grizzly and black bears; and __?___.

Q8) The fur of the Hoary Marmot is gray mottled with black and __?__.

Q9) Life expectancy of a Hoary Marmot is __?__ years.

Q10) The habitat of the Hoary Marmot is __?__.



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