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Lions - Study #1

Q1) The dictionary definition of a lion is ______?

Q2) The average weight of a male lion is ______ and the average weight of a female is_______?

Q3) Wild lions live for about _______ years.

Q4) The coloration varies from light buff to ______?

Q5) Female lions may couple with other males in the pride, giving rise to the possibility of different cubs in the same litter having different fathers. True or False?

Q6) The oldest fossil record of a lion is known from Laetoli in Tanzania and is perhaps ________ million years old.

Q7) A group of lions is called a _______?

Q8) Female lions can give to a litter of one to ________?

Q9) In the wild, competition for food is fierce, and as many as 80% of the lion cubs will die before the age of __________?

Q10) When mating, the lion couple frequently copulate twenty to forty times a day and are likely to forgo hunting. Copulate means _________?


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