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Asiatic Jackal - Study #1

Q1) The coat of the golden jackal is either pale golden brown or __?__ tipped with brown. Thr tip of the tail is black.

Q2) The Asiatic jackal can be found on what three continents?

Q3) The Asiatic jackal diet type is... ?

Q4) The Asiatic jackal can weigh up to ___?__.

Q5) The Asiatic jackal's habitat is __?__.

Q6) Female jackals can give birth to a litter of one to __?__ pups.

Q7) Asiatic jackals can live up to __?__ in the wild and 16 in captivity.

Q8) Jackals are usually active during the night and day but will switch to being purely __?__ in human inhabited areas.

Q9) Jackals hunt as well as scavenge for food. True or False?

Q10) To take down their prey jackals rather than bite the hind quarters of their prey instead like to bite the underside belly. True or false?



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