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Hippopotamus - Study #2

Q1) Science classification; hippopotamus belong to what kingdom?

Q2)Science classification; hippopotamus belong to what phylum?

Q3) Sience classification: hippopotamus belong to what class?

Q4) Science classification: hippopotamus belong to what order?

Q5) Science classification: hippopotamus binomial name is ________?

Q6) Science classification: hippopotamus belong to what family?

Q7) Some male hippopotamus mouths can open _______ wide?

Q8) Hippopotamus are in danger of becoming extinct, the population has dropped from 29,000 in the 1970's to _______ today (2006)?

Q9) Hippos have been documented staying submerged for up to _______ minutes?

Q10) 10) Newborn hippos are born underwater and can weigh as much as ________ and must swim to the surface in order to take their first breath.


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