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Gerbil - Study #1

Q1) Once known simply as "desert rats", the gerbil subfamily includes known __?__ species.

Q2) Most are primarily diurnal (though some do exhibit crepuscular behavior). and almost all are omnivorous. Diurnal means?

Q3) Almost all gerbils are omnivorous. Omnivorous means?

Q4) The gerbil's tail is half of their total length. True or False?

Q5) The average adult gerbil weighs approximately __?__ ounces (grams).

Q6) A gerbil have be known to live up to __?__ years.

Q7) For pets the most popular gerbil species sought after are the __?__.

Q8) Wild gerbils are native to Northern Africa, Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, and Western __?__.

Q9) A mother gerbil can give birth to a litter of __?__ young.

Q10) Gerbils living in the dessert (arid areas) live below the ground's surface during the day to prevent water loss. True or False?



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