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Common Eland - Study #1

Q1) The Common Eland, or Southern Eland, (Taurotragus oryx) is a savannah and plains antelope found in East and Southern __?__.

Q2) The Common Eland stands around two metres at the shoulder and weighs 275 kilograms (600 lb) to a tonne (2,200 lb). True or False?

Q3) Males are sometimes less than half the weight of adult females.

Q4) Common elands, are the largest of world's antelopes. True or False?

Q5) Both sexes have horns, which are about __?__ inches (cm) long and almost straight.

Q6) Common Eland are herbivores and eat grass, branches and __?__.

Q7) Herds are usually between thirty and eighty individuals but are known to reach upwards of four thousand. True or False?

Q8) Common elands are very agile and can easily jump a 1.5 m fence (5 feet) from a standing start. True or False?

Q9) Most active in the morning, at dusk, and on moonlit nights, elands are highly nomadic. Nomadic means?

Q10) Female elands give birth to a single calf. True or False?



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