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Chital Deer - Study #1

Q1) The Chital is rufous-fawn with white __?__ on its back.

Q2) The Chital (or cheetal) deer, also known as the spotted deer or axis deer is a deer which commonly inhabits wooded regions of Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and most of India. True or False?

Q3) The chital's antlers, which it sheds annually, are usually __?__-pronged and curve in a lyre shape and may extend to 75 cm. (30 inches)

Q4) Chital most commonly occur in herds of ten to __?__ individuals comprised of one or two stags and a number of females and young.

Q5) Chitals are herbivores and eat primarily grasses and vegetation, but also eat their shed antlers as a source of nutrients. True or False?

Q6) The lifespan of a Chital is around 20 to __?__ years.

Q7) An interesting relationship has been observed between herds of chital and troops of Grey Langur (monkey). The Grey Langur act as look-outs and raise the alarm when a predator approaches. True or False?

Q8) Chitals readily take to water and are said to be good __?__.

Q9) The Chital can weigh up to __?__ pounds. (kg)

Q10) A male deer is called a Stag, a female a Doe, and a newborn a __?___.



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