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Brown Capuchin - Study #1

Q1) The brown capuchin has coarse fur in various shades of brown. Its belly is pale in comparison, and it has black extremities. Its facial pattern is variable. Extremities means?

Q2) The brown capuchin is native to what continent?

Q3) The brown capuchin's habitat is __?__.

Q4) The brown capuchin's diet type is __?__.

Q5) Capuchins have a polygamous mating system. Polygamous means?

Q6) Groups contain 3-15 animals and are organized using a matrilineal dominance hierarchy. Matrilineal means?

Q7) Grooming is used to maintain social bonds within a group. True or False?

Q8) Capuchins can weigh up to __?___ pounds (kg ?).

Q9) The troop (group) is led by an alpha or dominant female. True or False?

Q10) Young Capuchins don't become seaxually active until the (what year?) of age.



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