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Dramedary Camel - Study #1

Q1) The Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius) also known as the Arabian cmel is a large even-toed ungulate native to northern Africa and western Asia, also the land of east Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia and __?__.

Q2) The world's only population of wild dromedaries are in Australia. True or False?

Q3) The dromedary camel has one hump on its back, in contrast to the Bactrian Camel which has two. True or False?

Q4) There are currently almost __?__ million domesticated dromedaries (2006), mostly in the area from Western India via Pakistan through Iran to northern Africa.

Q5) The Bactrian camel is a stockier and hardier animal than the Dromedary. True or False?

Q6) The Dromedary camel is taller and faster than a Bactrian: 9 mph v.s __?__.

Q7) Lifespan in captivity is typically about 25 years, with some animals reaching the age of __?__.

Q8) Adults grow to a length of 10 feet and height of seven feet. 10 feet equals __?__ meters.

Q9) Modern domesticated dromedaries are used for milk and meat and as beasts of burden for cargo and __?__.

Q10) Most camels are amiable, patient, and intelligent. True or False?



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