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Yellow Baboon (Savanna) - Study #1

Q1) The Yellow Baboon, is also known as the Savanna and Olive, inhabits savannas and light forests in the eastern Africa, from Kenya and Tanzania to Zimbabwe and __?__.

Q2) The Yellow Baboon is diurnal, terrestrial, and lives in complex mixed gender social groups. They live in troops of 15 to __?__ individuals.

Q3) The diet type of all baboon's is __?__.

Q4) There are three subspecies of the yellow baboon: the typical Yellow Baboon, the Ibean Baboon, and the __?__.

Q5) The yellow baboon has a yellowish coat, a naked black face with prominent facial ridges, and an __?__ nose.

Q6) The female Yellow Baboon gives birth every __?__ years. And bear one newborn.

Q7) In a troop, females are dominant over males, a status achieved in their fifth year. True or False?

Q8) Yellow baboons are the fourth largest primate found in Africa. True or False?

Q9) An adult babboon can weigh up to __?__ pounds (kg).

Q10) The Yellow Baboon has a long tail which grows to be nearly as long as its body. True or False?



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