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Oryx Antelope - Study #1

Q1) An Oryx is one of four large antelope species native to __?___.

Q2) Two or three of the species are native to Africa, with a fourth native to the Arabian __?__.

Q3) The subspecies of the Oryx are: the Arabian, the Scimitar, and the __?__.

Q4) All oryx species prefer near-desert conditions and can survive without water for long periods. True or False?

Q5) Oryx live in herds of up to __?__ animals.

Q6) Both males and females possess permanent horns. True or False?

Q7) The horns are lethal-the oryx has been known to kill elephants with them. True or False?

Q8) The oryx livespan in the wild is __?__ years.

Q9) The dominance hierarchy among oryx is based on age and __?__.

Q10) Oryx feed late at night or early in the __?__.



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