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Impala - Study #1

Q1) Impala are one of the most numerous __?__ in South Africa. 

Q2) An impala can live as long as __?__ years.

Q3) The female impala can weigh as much as__?__ and the male __?__.

Q4) Females are similar to males, but smaller and lack horns. True or False?

Q5) Both sexs have scent glands on the rear legs above the hooves; however the male has additional scent glands on its forehead. True or False?

Q6) Only males have horns and can grow as long as ____?

Q7) Impala are both grazers and browsers, feeding on grasses and the __?__, flowers and seed pods of shrubs, which enables them to survive in many habitats.

Q8) Impala are extremely agile and are capable of spectacular leaps. An implala cn jump as high as ___?__ and 36 feet long. (11 meters)

Q9) Males live in bachelor herds with the dominant individuals breaking away to set up territories in proximity to female herds.  Female herds can be as large as __?__ animals.

Q10) Female impalas outnumber males two to one. True or False?


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