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Gray Langur Monkey - Study #1

Q1) Gray langurs are named after the Hindu monkey-god Hanuman, and are the sacred monkey of __?___.

Q2) There are now __?__ distinct species of gray langurs recognized and 15 subspecies.

Q3) Gray Langurs are herbovores and feed on leaves, fruit, buds and __?__.

Q4) Gray Langurs also supplement their diet with insects (up to 25% in some months), tree bark and gum. True or False?

Q5) Gray Langurs are diurnal and sleep in trees, they spend more time on the ground than any other known colobine species. True or False?

Q6) The group (pack) is led by a dominant male and is known as the ___?__ male.

Q7) To become a leader of the pack, the challenging male monkey will kill the current leader and its offspring. True or False?

Q8) The species of the Gray Langur are: Nepal, Kashmir, Tarai, Northern Plains, Blackfooted, Southern Plains, and __?__.

Q9) A Gray Langur average lifespan is __?__ years.

Q10) The Gray Langur are found across India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and__?__.



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