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Birds - Loons - Study #1

Q1) Loons are a group of aquatic birds found in many parts of North America and ____________ ?


Q3) All living species of loons are members of one genus (Gavia) in a family (Gaviidae), and order (Gaviiformes) all of their own. True or False?

Q4) A loon's webbed feet are far back on the body and so loons are badly adapted to moving on land. They usually avoid coming ashore, except for _________?

Q5) Loons can live as long as ___?__ years.

Q6) Loons eat fish, amphibians, and crustaceans, which they hunt for under water, finding their prey by sight. Crustaceans are _____________?

Q7) Vertebrate prey is eaten tail first to facilitate swallowing.

Q8) To help digestion, loons swallow ________ from the bottom of a lake which assist the loon's gizzard in crushing the hard parts of the loon's food.

Q9) Loons build their nests close to the water, prferring sites _________? And use the same site from year to year.

Q10) Loon chicks are precocial. Precocial means the chicks ____?



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